
Children’s safety while at the mall

Credit: Inside Edition(YouTube)

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The Jeff Bezo’s text leaker discussed

Credit: Inside Edition

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White women are “success” for Black men

Credit: Tonya Tko Show(YouTube)

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Candace Owens may have ended her career

Credit: The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder (YouTube)

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I can’t do it anymore

Don’t listen to people who say they don’t sleep. You need to sleep in order to function your best the next day. Life can make you feel that you didn’t do enough and you tend to overcompensate for time you think you lost. You can make it through.

If you push your body too hard, you might end up in the hospital or even worse it can cause death. Pride is important. There is nothing wrong with having it. 

Are you trying to prove something to your boss or your competitors? They should not be your number one reason why you go so hard at what you do. You should be your own competition. Focus on you and your goals that you want to accomplish. Your health is important. Your mental health is more important.

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne.

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Woman throws chair from Toronto condo balcony

Credit: CBC News (YouTube)

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Cardi B makes history at Grammys

Credit: Inside Edtion from YouTube

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The Joe Budden Podcast: Know Your Ledge Episode 220

Credit: Joe Budden TV(YouTube)

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Can Black people do without Gucci and Prada

Credit: The Star Report from YouTube 

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The Signs Were There

Credit: @QueenCamilleValentine from Instagram 

First, you are minding your business and carrying on with your lovely Friday. Second, you get approached by a courageous man while grabbing some mangoes in the produce aisle. You tried to ignore him but he is doing the most to get you to notice him. Fast forward to y’all dating for a few months and have been in a serious relationship for the last two years. But all of a sudden, he is making an issue with every little thing you do whether it’s warranted or not. 

You now walk around him with a heavy heart because you do not want to do anything to upset him. You stay because you remember how beautiful and fun the first two years were. You do everything, every trick, and every move in the bedroom to spice things up but he only shows signs of the person you feel for just for a few days. He goes back to his ways; he doesn’t budge much. 

Then you start chipping away at your bubbly personality without realizing it every day that you go through this mess. I created this story to depict how it feels for someone who is in love but the person who they are dating is acting strange and is no longer worthy of their time but they won’t leave. 

You have to leave unhealthy and selfish relationships. It is not smart to stay in a relationship that makes you miserable and stressed out on the daily. I found the strength to leave bad relationships with people I genuinely cared for and I wish the same for anyone reading this blog who may be struggling with making those tough decisions.

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne.

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Happy Vday: 3 reasons Women hate being asked “Why are you single”

Credit: Derrick Jaxn

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Happy Vday: Devon Franklin & Kirk Franklin - Truth Talk

Credit: OfficialDevonFranklin(YouTube)

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Happy Vday: “Valentine” by YK Osiris

Credit: YK Osiris

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Happy Vday: “What is Love” by V Bozeman

Credit: V Bozeman(YouTube)

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Happy Vday: The Best Valentine’s Gift guide with former Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay

Credit: Steve TV Show

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Valentine is real; Look ahead

Credit: @PowerofPositivity from Instagram 

You are enough. You can conquer the world. Don’t let people determine your future. You will determine your future. You will not go back to what caused you hurt and trauma. You deserve so much more.

The way you walk, the way you react, the way you talk and the way you show how humble you are says a lot about your growth. Don’t let anyone affect your stability and your happiness. 

Phone calls are meant for your loved ones or someone new in your life. A time waster loves nothing more than to waste your time. I know I don’t have time for that. You shouldn’t either. Decisions affect your future.

The future looks so bright. It’s name is Valentine. Valentine will make you happy every day of your life not just on your birthday or a holiday. You can expect to be satisfied, cared for, romanced and courted on a consistent basis. Speak what you want into existence.

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Rodents and Bugs were spotted at movie theaters

Credit: Inside Edition from YouTube

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120 stranded vacationers rescued from Ski resort

Credit: Inside Edition from YouTube

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Will Smith receives backlash after his character Genie in ‘Aladdin’ is considered to be too blue

Credit: Inside Edition from YouTube 

What do you think of Will Smith playing Aladdin? Is his character too blue or does he have the right amount of blue?

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Nicki Minaj got dragged by the BET network then CANCELLED her BET Performance

Credit: ItsMrTaliaferro from YouTube 

Do you think Nicki Minaj can dish it but she can’t take it? Or Was BET in the wrong? She talk that talk but rarely backs it up to me. I don’t get it Miss Minaj. She just mad that Cardi B won a grammy before her. Period. Point blank. End of story.

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30 Day FREE

Credit: TheGoodQuote from Instagram 

It’s a new challenge. Are you up for it?

I challenge you to keep healthy for at least 30 days. It will feel like a detox when you are around the 30th day. This challenge is to test your level of how serious you are of wanting to be healthy. Valentine’s Day is a junk food type of day so I would suggest to start this on Friday, February 15th. I will be doing this myself. If you want to leave your update for the next few weeks, feel free to do so in the comment box below this blog.

Challenge yourself for your health benefit, and challenge yourself for you most importantly. Burgers and fries and cherry pies. Can you live without a soda for a day? Have you ever eaten any other type of breadother than plain white bread? I just remembered how good the croissant donut from Dunkin’ Donuts taste. But I am willing to make improvements in my health because I want to live a longer & healthier life.

It is time. We must make a change. We cannot eat the same way and expect a different result. You can do it.

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne.

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Ali Siddiq talks prison, Meek Mill, voting & Black community

Credit: Roland S. Martin 

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Venezuelan forces blocking aid

Credit: CBC News

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Celebs react to Gucci racist clothing

Credit: HHM

Why would a company whose very popular with the hip hop community for decades create racist clothing that would offend that group? It seems like they don’t have the urban folks in mind when deciding what they will sell. Their apology is fake and I don’t believe them at all. 

What are your thoughts on this topic?

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How to do Intermittent Fasting for Serious Weight Loss

Credit: Dr. Eric Berg DC

There have been tons of ways to lose weight but finding a healthy way to do so is hard. I think this could really help people with their weight loss goals. You can do your own research before trying it and watch the video above for more information. 

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Enhance your life

Credit: @addicted2success on Instagram 

You learn more when you are taking what you are learning seriously. You learn more when you are studying. Studying doesn’t always mean preparing for a test. You can read about Macroeconomics and what you learn from the reading is considered studying. 

I believe it is interesting and thought provoking when you study a whole new topic or a random topic and sit back and learn something new. You never know how what you learn can be useful in your current life.

It is wonderful to have knowledge from college or learning something new. It gives a certain spice to your life. Life can be a thrill but at the end of the day; it can become boring and lackluster real quick without studying something new. I am a witness to this personally. Reading is fundamental. Knowledge is power. 

You can enhance your life and you can brigthen your day by just doing something different from your norm. I have tried it and it was ofd at first but it has made my life more fun. Studying is not just for nerds; it is for everybody to make use of. You can grow from enriching your life. Start today and study a new topic.

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne.

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“ Hispanics should work harder“ says Tom Brokaw

Credit: The Jimmy Dore Show

This was disappointing from someone who should know better. The only thing I could think is that he is either prejudice or racist towards Spanish people.

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21 Savage arrest exposes ICE cruelty and incompetence

Credit: TheYoungTurks

The arrest of 21 Savage has exposed ICE in many ways that we never expected it to. 

What are your thoughts on this topic?

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Three’s a company at B. Smith’s home with her Husband and his white mistress

Credit: Funky Dineva

This is one of the worst stories I have ever heard about in regards to marriages. Please listen to the video above to learn more opinions on the matter. I pray that the husband does the right thing and divorce his ailing wife. Then it would be okay for him to date another woman. But to stay married and move in your white mistress under the same room as your sick wife is super disrespectful. What kind of man is okay with having sex with his mistress while his wife sleeps in another room? That is so crazy and disturbing on so many levels. Pray for all of them. They need it badly.

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DMX tells on R Kelly in a rare interview

Credit: Hip Hop News Uncensored 

DMX made some wild allegations against the self proclaimed King of R&B, R. Kelly. What do you think of this story? Why was this kept on the hush hush for so many years? Have you muted R Kelly? 

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5 Signs You’re Doing Better than you think you are:


Think positive thoughts the next time a negative thought pops up in your brain. You were created with love. No matter what you are going through, love conquers all. Love trumps hate. Love is in you.

1. What were you doing a year ago? Would you be proud about it? Life throws us curve balls but in the end we hit home runs. Look at every experience as a lesson, in that way you never live with regrets. Acknowledge your progress and never look back because you should be focused on your present and/or future.

2. In life, you should have goals that you not only set but you keep. One of the best feelings that I have ever had in my life is when I succeed in accomplishing my goals especially long term goals. Without goals, that means you do not have direction or a purpose in what you want to do today nor tomorrow. Please do not live life without direction or purpose. 

3. Some may be ashamed that they suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, job loss, death in the family or any other hardships. You are enough. You’re an overcomer. Trials and tribulations have made me a much tougher and stronger human being. I feel like I am able to handle a whole lot before feeling like I will have a breakdown,etc. Don’t feel bad because you are struggling with something. God will not give us anything that we cannot handle.

4. I just feel bad for years that I wasn’t as popular as my siblings who always had so much more friends than I ever did. I may not have traveled with friends but other than that; I feel like I have lived a fulfilled life with my couple of close friends. I am in the process of making new friends every week. I am a people person so making friends don’t come hard but finding a quality friend is almost a nightmare at times.

5. God has a lot in store not just for me but for you too. If you do not believe in God then you may not get the empowerment of that message. God makes all things possible and will provide for you. With God, you do not have to worry and you can keep the faith and hope that you will be blessed beyond measure.

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne.

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Get Out (Ephesians 6:11)

Credit: YouVersion App

God is the joy and the strength of my life. He moves all pain, misery and strife. He can protect me from the devil’s devilish ways. I surrender all to him. 

There are days when you think you can’t overcome from your darkest hour. But don’t forget that joy cometh in the morning and you will be just fine. I tend to overthink and because of that it causes me to not trust or have faith all the time. 

As part of my New Year’s resolution, I am reading the entire bible in a year. I have grown closer to the lord and I am even having quick bible studies about what I read with family. These stories are sad, overwhelming, amazing and inspiring. 

I promise you if you grow closer with the lord; you will see life in a new pair of lens. I am more trusting now. I am not overthinking as much as I used to. Things are going so much better for me even though I go through hardships. God is the ultimate protector. You do not have to worry when he is for you. When Jesus says yes, nobody can say no. 

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne.

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Personal Vlog #1 - Let’s get to know each other πŸ˜πŸ™πŸΎπŸ‡©πŸ‡²

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2019 is my year. I put it in my introduction video as an affirmation of what I want to happen. If you don’t speak out loud what you want then you may never get it. I wish everyone a healthy & prosperous New year. 

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne.

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