
ReAnNe'S cOrNeR #2

                                       Picture: President @BarackObama

This is an interesting list by President Obama. I agree with some of his selections. I am shocked by the rest of the list. This is what I will do in this post. If I say AGREE then I agree with the former President's selection in song. If I didn't list the song below then I do not know the song and therefore cannot critic it. If I say DISAGREE then I totally dislike the song,

* Apes..t by The Carters                                         DISAGREE
* I like it by Cardi B                                               AGREE

Shoutout to Cardi B who re-shared this picture on her IG. This list was filled with songs from artists that I did not know existed. If I have the time then I will definitely take a look at them in the future. I disagreed with the Carters' Apes**t as a Favorite song of 2018 because it does not fit the new age of music to me. I see them as desperately trying to be cool on that record. I prefer Cardi B any day over the duo called The Carters because she exudes personality and doesn't sound like she is fake or forcing it. It is natural for Cardi B to entertain a crowd. You go girl!!

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne. Follow the blog. Add @broodbyreanne on Twitter, Facebook (page) & Instagram

ReAnNe'S cOrNeR #1

We are almost in the New Year. Did you make any New Year's resolutions yet? If you are goal-oriented then you probably love making New Year's resolutions. I see them as left over goals from the previous year that is very vital in achieving your aspirations.

Some may say that it is not important to them and everyone is entitled to their freedom of speech. I get very happy and feel very good every time I achieve and surpass my goals.

                                     Picture: taken by Reanne C

Here I have listed some goals that are leftover from 2018 and new ones for 2019. It is important to know which way you are going in life. Goals help me in determining if I am on the right path or not. I hope you get your goals accomplished in 2019. 2019 is hopefully going to be an even better year than 2018.

List some of your goals and New Year's resolutions below for 2019.

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne. Follow the blog. Add @broodbyreanne on Twitter, Facebook (page) & Instagram


Mashable’s Best Apps of 2018

Apps are well needed. No matter what type of phone you may have. Android has unique apps that can only be found in the Google App Store. The apple iPhone is important when it comes to millennials. The apps that seem to be more talked about is from The App store. The App store has the best apps. 

Mashable has the list of the best Apps of 2018.

Adobe Premiere RushCC - Create & share online videos

This app has 4.5 out of 5 star rating by over 4,000 users. It is #42 under the category Photo &Video. I just downloaded this app and I hope it helps me with editing my youtube videos.

Alto’s Odyssey - Discover the endless desert

It cost $4.99. This app has 4.6 out of 5 star rating by over 2,000 users. It is #4 under the category Sports. The app is the 2018 winner for the Apple Design Award.

Asphalt 9 Legends - Editors’ Choice

This app has 4.8 out of 5 star rating by over 180,000 users. It is #2 under the category Racing. I just downloaded the app and I have a feeling that I would be playing it weekly.

Donut County - Game of the year/Editors’ Choice

Do you agree that this is the 2018 game of the year?

It cost $4.99. This app has 3.9 out of 5 star rating by over 1,000 users. It is #1 under the category Puzzles.

Enlight Pixaloop - Editors’ Choice

This app has 4.8 out of 5 star rating by over 32,000 users. It is #16 under the category Photo & Video.

Filto - Artistic Filters and Effects

This app has 4.6 out of 5 star rating by over 3,000 users. It is #33 under the category Photo and Video.

Fortnite - Battle Royale

This app has 4.6 out of 5 star rating by over 3M users. It is #1 under the category Adventure.

Google Lens


Google News - Top world & Local news stories

This app has 4.4 out of 5 star rating by over 64,000 users. It is #10 under the category News.

Otter Voice Notes - Record, Transcribe, Share

This app has 4.7 out of 5 star rating by over 1,000 users. It is not listed under a particular category.

Shortcuts - Apple’s App of the day

This app has 4.4 out of 5 star rating by over 6,000 users. It is #38 under the category Productivity.

TikTok - My favorite app amongst this 2018 list
Before this article, I had the app in my iPhone for a while. This app has 4.7 out of 5 star rating by over 700,000 users. It is #4 under the category Photo & Video. 

If you are unsure of the above apps, I recommend you try the free apps such as TikTok, Adobe Premiere Rush CC, Asphalt 9 Legends and Fortnite. If and when you try them, please comment your thoughts below.

Speak your mind below in the comment section.
Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne.
Follow the blog. Add @broodbyreanne on Twitter & Instagram

Credits: Mashable 

Photo by: @Mashable on Instagram 

The price you pay for being viral

I aspire to be viral. I think every single human secretly don’t mind being viral either. 

There are restaurants and other companies who went viral and they loved it. But some of them caught lawsuits after going viral. 

This is why we should not look at being viral as always being a positive experience. There are times things can go bad to worse after going viral. It is not even a rare situation unfortunately.

You can go from an unknown who pulls in $40k a year to a viral influencer/business that gets $400k a year. Life can throw more hurdles your way now that you are making more money. Let’s say you make $40k after taxes but with no lawsuits. If you now make $400k after taxes but suddenly you get hit with $350k in lawsuits and you lose all your cases. Now which do you consider a better life to have at this point.

Do you still aim to be viral? Do you have lawyers ready for the what ifs? Do you now reconsider the price you pay for going viral? Is it worth it?

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne.

Follow the blog. Add @broodbyreanne on Twitter & Instagram

Credits: CNN Business from Youtube

Believe in yourself

Are you goal-oriented? Do you have a relationship with God? Are you self motivated? 

You may not realize it but there are signs to remind you that you are on track. If nobody else believes in your goals, don’t stop believing in it.

You have made changes in your life that is noticeable to others even your haters. Don’t see the glass as half empty! You have made significant growth from where you were last year. 

Goals show that you are making choices to accomplish something. You have set goals and are close to finishing them or you may have completed some by now. Don’t let no one make you feel less than when the goals aren’t complete!

Trials and tribulations did not break you in a million pieces. You have cried about it, you may have even cursed someone out in a harsh mood swing argument yet you see it clearly how life is worth living.

Quality is much better than quantity. If having one, two or three close friends makes you happy, then if it isn’t broke don’t fix it. People who have a million friends are blinded by the real reality of who is there for the right reasons. 

God is a fixture in your life. You have faith in God and pray about what you may want in life. 

Where you are is not always where you want to be. You always have to keep up with being true to yourself no matter how fat your pockets get.

I understand things are easier said than done but with God in your life, you can accomplish anything that you seek your mind to do. Prayers to everyone in need.

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne.

Follow the blog. Add @broodbyreanne on Twitter & Instagram

Credits: @addicted2success & @successfoundation from Instagram 


It was meant to be?

The way we look at issues can help to dictate the direction of where we are going in life. Don’t try so hard. You may overlook the outcome that you seek.

It was meant to be. Right?! That is what we start thinking about when the hurt kicks in. Some may choose to cry, laugh, or even use substances all in an effort to express how the pain makes them feel. It is natural to cry. It is natural to laugh. But it is not natural to use drugs or alcohol to supress your pain and hurt. Things are meant to happen for a reason and when you truly believe that then you will stop crying. 

The moment you smile you are no longer giving power to your pain. Life should carry on as if no pain occurred but never forget what happened in order to make sure you have learned your lesson. You went through it but you should be grateful that you made it through the storm. 

I understand things are easier said than done but with God in your life, you can accomplish anything that you seek your mind to do. Prayers to everyone in need.

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne.

Follow the blog. Add @broodbyreanne on Twitter & Instagram

Credits: www.goodreads.com