
Believe in yourself

Are you goal-oriented? Do you have a relationship with God? Are you self motivated? 

You may not realize it but there are signs to remind you that you are on track. If nobody else believes in your goals, don’t stop believing in it.

You have made changes in your life that is noticeable to others even your haters. Don’t see the glass as half empty! You have made significant growth from where you were last year. 

Goals show that you are making choices to accomplish something. You have set goals and are close to finishing them or you may have completed some by now. Don’t let no one make you feel less than when the goals aren’t complete!

Trials and tribulations did not break you in a million pieces. You have cried about it, you may have even cursed someone out in a harsh mood swing argument yet you see it clearly how life is worth living.

Quality is much better than quantity. If having one, two or three close friends makes you happy, then if it isn’t broke don’t fix it. People who have a million friends are blinded by the real reality of who is there for the right reasons. 

God is a fixture in your life. You have faith in God and pray about what you may want in life. 

Where you are is not always where you want to be. You always have to keep up with being true to yourself no matter how fat your pockets get.

I understand things are easier said than done but with God in your life, you can accomplish anything that you seek your mind to do. Prayers to everyone in need.

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne.

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Credits: @addicted2success & @successfoundation from Instagram 

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