
It was meant to be?

The way we look at issues can help to dictate the direction of where we are going in life. Don’t try so hard. You may overlook the outcome that you seek.

It was meant to be. Right?! That is what we start thinking about when the hurt kicks in. Some may choose to cry, laugh, or even use substances all in an effort to express how the pain makes them feel. It is natural to cry. It is natural to laugh. But it is not natural to use drugs or alcohol to supress your pain and hurt. Things are meant to happen for a reason and when you truly believe that then you will stop crying. 

The moment you smile you are no longer giving power to your pain. Life should carry on as if no pain occurred but never forget what happened in order to make sure you have learned your lesson. You went through it but you should be grateful that you made it through the storm. 

I understand things are easier said than done but with God in your life, you can accomplish anything that you seek your mind to do. Prayers to everyone in need.

Expect the unexpected with Brood by Reanne.

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